I'm Shunsuke A. Sato and working at Theoretical Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group at Tohoku University, Japan. I'm theoretically studiying light-matter interactions and quantum dynamics of matter. See also What's New below!.
What's New
- February 1, 2025:
I moved to Department of Physics, Tohoku University!
- November 28, 2024:
I have received the 19th Condensed-Matter Science Prize! Many thanks to my collaborators, and I hope we will continue discovering more exciting physics!
Condensed-Matter Science Prize
- November 5, 2024:
Our article, "Initial electron thermalization in metals measured by attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy" has been published from Physical Review B:
- July 6, 2024:
Our new article, "Core-level signature of long-range charge-density-wave order and short-range excitonic correlations probed by attosecond broadband spectroscopy" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2407.00772 [cond-mat.str-el]
- July 6, 2024:
Our article, "Hot electron effect in high-order harmonic generation from graphene driven by elliptically polarized light" has been published from APL Photonics.:
- July 6, 2024:
Our article, "Nonlinear Current Injection in Hexagonal Boron Nitride using Linearly Polarized Light in a Deeply Off-Resonant Regime" has been published from Adv. Optical Mater.:
- June 10, 2024:
Our new article, "Initial electron thermalization in metals measured by attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2406.03567 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- May 23, 2024:
Our article, "Limitations of mean-field approximations in describing shift-current and injection-current in materials" has been published from Physical Review B:
- Febrary 20, 2024:
Our article, "High-Order Harmonic Generation in Solids: The Role of Intraband Transitions in Extreme Nonlinear Optics" has been published from The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters:
- January 26, 2024:
Our article, "Revealing ultrafast phonon mediated inter-valley scattering through transient absorption and high harmonic spectroscopies" has been published from Physical Review Research:
- January 18, 2024:
Our article, "Enhancement of high-order harmonic generation in graphene by mid-infrared and terahertz fields" has been published from Physical Review B:
- November 15, 2023:
Our article, "Enhancing high harmonic generation in GaAs by elliptically polarized light excitation" has been published from Physical Review B:
- October 16, 2023:
Our new article, "Limitations of mean-field approximations in describing shift-current and injection-current in materials" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2310.08875 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- August 22, 2023:
Our article, "Frequency-resolved Microscopic Current Density Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Solids" has been published from Journal of the Physical Society of Japan:
- July 26, 2023:
Our article, "Optimizing Floquet engineering for non-equilibrium steady states with gradient-based methods" has been published from SciPost Physics:
- July 3, 2023:
Our new article, "Enhancement of high-order harmonic generation in graphene by mid-infrared and terahertz fields" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2306.17346 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- July 3, 2023:
Our new article, "Revealing Ultrafast Phonon Mediated Inter-Valley Scattering through Transient Absorption and High Harmonic Spectroscopies" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2306.16010 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- June 21, 2023:
Our article, "Gapless detection of broadband terahertz pulses using a metal surface in air based on field-induced second-harmonic generation" has been published from Applied Physics Letters:
- May 11, 2023:
Our article, "Floquet-Bloch resonances in near-petahertz electroabsorption spectroscopy of SiO2" has been published from Physical Review B:
- April 11, 2023:
Our article, "Floquet band engineering in action" has been published from Science Bulletin:
- April 7, 2023:
Our article, "Floquet engineering with quantum optimal control theory" has been published from New J. Phys.:
- April 5, 2023:
Our article, "Ultrafast electron localization and screening in a transition metal dichalcogenide" has been published from PNAS:
- February 14, 2023:
Our new article, "Frequency-resolved microscopic current density analysis of linear and nonlinear optical phenomena in solids" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2302.05859 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- January 7, 2023:
Our new article, "Floquet engineering non-equilibrium steady states" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2301.02004 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- December 2, 2022:
Our article, "Second harmonic Hall responses of insulators as a probe of Berry curvature dipole" has been published from Communications Physics:
- November 21, 2022:
Our article, "Controlling Floquet states on ultrashort time scales" has been published from Nature Communications:
- October 12, 2022:
Our new article, "Ultrafast electron localization and screening in a transition metal dichalcogenide" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2210.05465 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- October 12, 2022:
Our article, "Simulating Terahertz Field-Induced Ferroelectricity in Quantum Paraelectric SrTiO3" has been published from Physical Review Letters:
- September 26, 2022:
Our article, "Charge transfer in ultrafast isomerization of acetylene ions" has been published from Physical Review A:
- September 20, 2022:
Our article, "Floquet engineering the band structure of materials with optimal control theory" has been published from Physical Review Research:
- August 6, 2022:
Our article, "Time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of strong-field light-dressed solids: Prevalence of the adiabatic band picture" has been published from Physical Review Research:
- August 1, 2022:
Our article, "Terahertz-induced high-order harmonic generation and nonlinear charge transport in graphene" has been published from Physical Review B:
- June 24, 2022:
Our article, "Size-controlled quantum dots reveal the impact of intraband transitions on high-order harmonic generation in solids" has been published from Nature Physics:
- May 26, 2022:
Our article, "Few-Femtosecond Dynamics of Free-Free Opacity in Optically Heated Metals" has been published from Physical Review X:
- May 6, 2022:
Our new article, "Controlling Floquet states on ultrashort time scales" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2205.00788 [physics.optics]
- May 6, 2022:
Our new article, "Time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of strong-field light-dressed solids: prevalence of the adiabatic band picture" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2204.14157 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- March 30, 2022:
Our article, "Reconstruction of ultrafast exciton dynamics with a phase-retrieval algorithm" has been published from Optics Express:
- March 16, 2022:
Our new article, "THz-induced high-order harmonic generation and nonlinear charge transport in graphene" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2203.07649 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- March 8, 2022:
Our new article, "Floquet engineering the band structure of materials with optimal control theory" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2203.03387 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- February 9, 2022:
Our article, "First-principles calculations for transient absorption of laser-excited magnetic materials" has been published from Electronic Structure:
- December 22, 2021:
Our article, "First-principles modelling for time-resolved ARPES under different pump-probe conditions" has been published from Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena:
- December 13, 2021:
Our new article, "Tracing out the Berry curvature dipole and multipoles in second harmonic Hall responses of time-reversal symmetric insulators" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2112.05524 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- December 2, 2021:
Our article, "Two-step Brillouin zone sampling for efficient computation of electron dynamics in solids" has been published from Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter:
- November 11, 2021:
Our article, "Conditional Wave Function Theory: A Unified Treatment of Molecular Structure and Nonadiabatic Dynamics" has been published from Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation:
- Augst 16, 2021:
Our article, "Quantum paraelectric phase of SrTiO3 from first principles" has been published from Physical Review B:
- July 28, 2021:
Our article, "The ferroelectric photo ground state of SrTiO3: Cavity materials engineering" has been published from PNAS:
- July 20, 2021:
Our new article, "Reconstruction of ultrafast exciton dynamics with a phase-retrieval algorithm" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2107.08202 [physics.optics]
- July 5, 2021:
Our new article, "Conditional wavefunction theory: a unified treatment of molecular structure and nonadiabatic dynamics" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2107.01094 [physics.chem-ph]
- June 17, 2021:
Our article, "Nonlinear electric conductivity and THz-induced charge transport in graphene" has been published from New Journal of Physics:
- June 9, 2021:
Our new article, "Simulating terahertz field-induced transient ferroeletricity in quantum paraelectric SrTiO3" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2106.03957 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- June 4, 2021:
Our article, "Survival of Floquet–Bloch States in the Presence of Scattering" has been published from Nano Letters:
- April 6, 2021:
Our article, "Simulating Vibronic Spectra without Born-Oppenheimer Surfaces" has been published from Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters:
- March 30, 2021:
Our article, "First-principles calculations for attosecond electron dynamics in solids" has been published from Computational Materials Science:
- March 23, 2021:
Our new article, "Nonlinear electric conductivity and light-induced charge transport in graphene" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2103.11969 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- March 13, 2021:
Our article, "Single and double charge transfer in the Ne2++He collision within time-dependent density-functional theory" has been published from Physical Review A:
- February 26, 2021:
Our new article, "On the survival of Floquet-Bloch states in the presence of scattering" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2102.12798 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- February 15, 2021:
Our article, "Unravelling the intertwined atomic and bulk nature of localised excitons by attosecond spectroscopy" has been published from Nature Communications:
Please, also have a look at our press release! - January 29, 2021:
Our article, "High-order harmonic generation in graphene: Nonlinear coupling of intraband and interband transitions" has been published from Physical Review B:
- January 28, 2021:
Our new article, "The Ferroelectric Photo-Groundstate of SrTiO3: Cavity Materials Engineering" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2101.11313 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- January 11, 2021:
Our new article, "Simulating Vibronic Spectra without Born-Oppenheimer Surfaces" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2101.03007 [physics.chem-ph]
- January 8, 2021:
Our new article, "The quantum paraelectric phase of SrTiO3 from first principles" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2101.02291 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- December 23, 2020:
Our article, "Floquet dynamics in light-driven solids" has been published from Phys. Rev. Research:
- December 1, 2020:
Our article, "Dynamical amplification of electric polarization through nonlinear phononics in 2D SnTe" has been published from npj Computational Materials:
- November 25, 2020:
I have received "University of Tsukuba Young Faculty Award"
[Link (Japanese)]. - November 4, 2020:
Our new article, "First-principles calculations for attosecond electron dynamics in solids" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2011.01677 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- October 27, 2020:
Our new article, "Nonlinear phononics in 2D SnTe: a ferroelectric material with phonon dynamical amplification of electric polarization" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2010.13646 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- October 22, 2020:
Our article, "Floquet states in dissipative open quantum systems" has been published from Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics:
- October 14, 2020:
Our new article, "High-order harmonic generation in graphene: nonlinear coupling of intra and interband transitions" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2010.06275 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- September 22, 2020:
Our article, "Direct measurement of electron-phonon coupling with time-resolved ARPES" has been published from Physical Revew Letters:
- August 31, 2020:
Our article, "Role of electron scattering on the high-order harmonic generation from solids" has been published from Phys. Rev. Research:
- July 31, 2020:
Our article, "Role of virtual band population for high harmonic generation in solids" has been published from Physical Review B:
- June 30, 2020:
Our new article, "Unravelling the intertwined atomic and bulk nature of localised excitons by attosecond spectroscopy" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2006.16008 [physics.optics]
- June 14, 2020:
Our new article, "Room Temperature Terahertz Electroabsorption Modulation by Excitons in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2006.04786 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- June 14, 2020:
Our new article, "Floquet dynamics in light-driven solids" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2005.10824 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- April 24, 2020:
Our new article, "Direct measurement of electron-phonon coupling with time-resolved ARPES" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2004.11082 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
- April 21, 2020:
Our new article, "Role of electron scattering on the high-order harmonic generation from solids" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:2004.09049 [physics.optics]
- April 5, 2020:
Our article, "Octopus, a computational framework for exploring light-driven phenomena and quantum dynamics in extended and finite systems" has been published from J. Chem. Phys.:
- January 29, 2020:
Our article, "Attosecond timing of the dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect" has been published from J. Phys. Photonics:
- January 15, 2020:
Our article, "Exact exchange-correlation potential of effectively interacting Kohn-Sham systems" has been published from Physical Review A:
- December 22, 2019:
Our new article, "Octopus, a computational framework for exploring light-driven phenomena and quantum dynamics in extended and finite systems" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:1912.07921 [physics.comp-ph]
- December 9, 2019:
Our new article, "Floquet states in dissipative open quantum systems" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:1912.03176 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- November 11, 2019:
I have been selected as a winner of "Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan, 2020" [Link].
I'll give an award lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Nagoya University, March 2020. - October 11, 2019:
Our article, "Photovoltaic Effect from the Viewpoint of Time-reversal Symmetry" has been published from Journal of the Physical Society of Japan:
- August 16, 2019:
Our new article, "Photovoltaic effect from the viewpoint of time-reversal symmetry" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:1908.05492 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- August 14, 2019:
Our article, "Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in massless Dirac fermion systems and topological insulators with dissipation" has been published from New Journal of Physics:
- August 5, 2019:
Our article, "Attosecond screening dynamics mediated by electron localization in transition metals" has been published from Nature Physics:
Please, also have a look at our press release! - July 19, 2019:
Our article, "Charge Density Wave Melting in One-Dimensional Wires with Femtosecond Subgap Excitation" has been published from Physical Revew Letters:
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.036405 - July 2, 2019:
Our new article, "Exact exchange-correlation potential of effectively interacting Kohn-Sham systems" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:1907.00183 [physics.chem-ph] - June 10, 2019:
Our article, "Microscopic theory for the light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene" has been published from Physical Revew B:
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.99.214302 - May 31, 2019:
Our new article, "Light-induced anomalous Hall effect in massless Dirac fermion systems and topological insulators with dissipation" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:1905.12981 [cond-mat.mes-hall] - May 16, 2019:
I started working at Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan! - May 14, 2019:
Our new article, "Microscopic theory for the light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene" has been uploaded on arXiv:
arXiv:1905.04508 [cond-mat.mes-hall] - May 5, 2019:
New website opened!